Rustic Unusual

Frasca Borgoluce (TV)

by Lavinia Colonna Preti
Frasca Borgoluce (TV) — Veneto Secrets

Frasca Borgoluce in Susegana is a dream farm where you can taste delicious products (meat, cheese, wine…) strictly made according to natural, eco-sustainable practices.

A charming location, part of the Borgoluce Estate owned by the renowned counts of Collalto, it was the former set to some of the strongest chapters of the First World War when it was home to Bombardieri del Re, a famous military academy.

Frasca Borgoluce (TV) — Veneto Secrets

After an intense restoration, the farm today includes a cool rustic eatery, where you will feel just like being invited to join the farmer’s Sunday meal.

Frasca Borgoluce (TV) — Veneto Secrets

On the first floor, you can visit the Museum of Trades and Farming Civilization that will allow you to make an extraordinary journey through time from the 19th to the 40s through a path consisting of a myriad of rooms each dedicated to an ancient profession and perfectly reconstructed with furniture, objects and tools of the time.

The Secret

Owned by the Collalto Counts, the Roccagelsa farm that houses the Frasca, during the First World War became the headquarters of the Mandre barracks from where they operated the valiant Bombardieri del Re. Following the sad events of the conflict, the Collalto family lost the property, then repurchased thanks to the daring discovery of the deed of donation of the lands of the Estate issued by the King of Italy Berengario II which sanctioned the valid right to the hereditary succession.

The Museum

Useful Info

Frasca Borgoluce
Via Mandre 47
31058 Susegana, Treviso
Tel. +39 0438 435287

Selection of cold cuts and cheeses: 7 — 14 euro
Sandwiches: 3 euro
Hamburger: 7 — 14,50 euro

Desserts: 2 — 4 euro

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