Anthropology scholar and Master Craftsman of the Veneto Region, Mauro Lampo, "the artist of the Dolomites", gave life in Longarone, together with Manuela and Icaro, his eagle owl, to a fab atelier, populated with magical creations in pine wood, one of the most fascinating places in Veneto.
Such an extraordinary life, that of the artist Mauro Lampo, which could not fail to translate into the creation of an equally incredible world. It is what he brought to life together with his wife Manuela in the Bottega Veneta delle Arti, the atelier where his creations are born, but also a place of culture open to meetings and events related to the art of wood.
Mauro Olivotto, aka Lampo, was born in San Vito di Cadore in the heart of the Belluno Dolomites and since he was a child wood has been his favorite toy, a material that he managed to shape with exceptional talent and through which he channeled the love for his mountains, for him a master of absolute beauty.
Sculpture and the Arts are nourished by observation of Nature and experimentation with Matter.
(Mauro Lampo)
A mountain guide and anthropologist, after various work experiences, Mauro traveled the world, in particular Central and South America for 4 and a half years, also living in the Amazon together with the natives. This adventure and, once he returned to Italy, a series of fortunate encounters with clients who admired his works, made him aware of his gift and, thus, his “second” life as a professional artist began.
Lover of the Italian Renaissance, another source of inspiration to him, he opened a Bottega (workshop) where he gave life to his works in Swiss pine wood, the Pinus Cembra, a conifer that he chose for its beauty, its beneficial therapeutic properties on humans and its unmistakable aroma.
In fact, upon entering the Bottega Veneta delle Arti you are surrounded by the scent of wood typical of mountain homes, with its balsamic and calming power, a signature property in Mauro Lampo’s creations.
And then there is Icaro, a majestic eagle owl that Mauro saved in a bird rescue center when he was still an egg in an incubator and who became part of the family and ambassador of his art. Seeing him fly among the artworks or talking and playing with Mauro makes the visit to the atelier an even more extraordinary experience, testimony to the strong bond between the artist and Nature.
In the shop you can admire some of Mauro’s giant works, such as the bas-reliefs, in particular The Battle of Anghiari, a tribute to Leonardo Da Vinci, and the Capriccio, a perspective that unites Monte Pelmo and the Rialto Bridge, taken from a famous painting by Canaletto, to testify the closeness and historical link between the Venetian lagoon and its hinterland.
In addition to the creation of prestigious interiors and monumental works, from his collaboration in the rebirth of the Teatro La Fenice to the emotional commemorative work for the 60th anniversary of the Vajont tragedy created in Longarone, Mauro is also famous for the sculpture of small objects, real must-haves in all homes in the Belluno and Ampezzo areas.
Like the Hearts of the Dolomites, small modular hearts with a balsamic scent that symbolize “Love as a container of emotions, with a key that protects it and inside two Souls that unite perfectly”; or the cushions padded with Swiss pine chips, perfect for a good rest thanks to the properties of this wood.
And then there are Mauro’s many “children”: the Giauli, the gnomes progenitors of the inhabitants of the Dolomites, and his Pinocchios (together with the wonderful Cat, Fox and Talking Cricket), because even the famous puppet “is a tree and the trees they don’t tell lies”, which earned the artist the definition of “best Pinocchio maker in the world” by the Collodi Foundation.
Mauro’s other passion is passing on his knowledge and his art; for this reason, in addition to guided visits to the atelier, he also organizes workshops of various levels to learn the secrets of wood-crafting, which complement his teaching at various universities.
Truly a unique experience that is worth a trip.
The Secret
Giauli and Pinocchios accompanied Mauro on some of his most extraordinary climbs and journeys, unique and unrepeatable artistic performances, such as when he brought a Pinocchio to the legendary Crystal Cave in Mexico near Naica, before they closed it, or to the highest peaks of the Dolomites.
Useful Info
Mauro Lampo
Via Roma 111
32013 Longarone, Belluno
Tel. +39 331 7774692
The Bottega is open every day, except Sunday morning; the guided tour is free, preferably by appointment